lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


This last post of the blog will be used for commenting the subject we have been doing during the whole year.

Firstly, I would like to comment that even though the subject, and also the degree, is in english, we haven't listened any entire art class in english. I think we all have to be capable of understanding and talking during the time we are in class in english since we have decided to do this degree because we wanted.

Secondly,  I liked the things we have done in class because I really like art but talking about contents, I think it would be cool if there is taught how art's subject works in schools, how  to prepare classes to children, which is art's curriculum in schools...

Finally, I would like to add that the part that I liked the most is the last two classes when we have been able to free our minds, develop our creativity and portray it in the cardboard.

To conclude, I think art is very important in our lives because it has a lot of 

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020


Dana Fernandez, Andor Folch, Maria Muñoz, Eira Roca, Candela Serrano & Emma Sierra


We are going to the CCCB Museum, in Barcelona, with the class of 6th of Primary to see the exhibition “Feminismes!”. 


  • To promote kids autonomy
  • To make students see that sex is something normal
  • To normalize taboo topics
  • To develop the artistic competence 

Visual arts, taboo topic, creativity, critical spirit, human values, feminism, free mind, equality, sexuality. 

The activity consist on the following. Children will visit the exhibition freely, paying attention to the works that composed it. 
Once they finish the tour of the exhibition we will do an activity in a room of the museum. What we want children to do is to think about the piece of the exhibition that they liked the most, it does not matter why, but they have to represent what they felt, how they felt, what it has transmitted on them, etc.
We will give the pupils many types of materials in order for them to find the one which they express better with. For example they can do a drawing, a letter, paintings, sculptures, mockups, etc. Any kind of representation will be accepted.
When all the kids have their own representations, they will have to explain in front of all the clas why did they choose that piece of art of the exhibition and why did they represent it like that. The main goal is to create an open space where children can express their feeling while being listened by all the class.
Eventually, the teacher will do a final reflection about all the representations in general, asking deeper questions such as: Why do you felt like this? Do you think you have been influenced by the society in the way you think about the paintings? Did you feel uncomfortable when seeing some of the painting?...

All the possible materials that the museum has in order to make children choose from a really wide variety. For example paint, sheets, markers, colours, paint brushes, etc.

The main purpose of this, apart from what we have already said above, is the next. As they are growing up, this activity will be helpful to start introducing the taboo topic of sex.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020



"Laocoont i els seus fills" is the sculpture we decided to represent the last term. Its authors are the following ones: Agesandro, Polidoro and Atenodoro. 

All three artists are from Rodas (Greece) and probably Polidoro and Atenodoro are Agesandro's  sons. 

Little is known of Agesandro, not even with certainty in what time he lived: some believe that he flourished in the time of Pericles, or in that of Alexander the Great; others suppose that it is more modern and that it lived in the s. I d. C. After this time it cannot be, since Pliny the Elder quotes and describes the Laocoon. 

The artists' names also appear in an inscription on the statues of Sperlonga.

This sculpture was found in 1506 by Felice de Fredis in the ruins of the baths of the palace of the emperor Tito, in Rome.

Nowadays, the sculpture can be found in the Vatican Museum.


In this seminar, I painted the following paintings:

I decided to draw the waves because I live in a town (Caldes d'Estrac) which is in front of the beach and I really like to go and observe the sea. Furthermore, I decided to paint the background in those colors because it simulates the sunset that is seen in the beach.

The painting from the right, is a dream that I had captured in the cardboard. Is is a lot of people in the beach observing the wonderful sky where you can see the galaxies from the earth. 


First session of the second term. 
We have first talked about the different painting that we can you when we paint. There are two main differences: the natural paintings and the plastic paintings (which are used in schools).
Secondly, Oriol has explained us how to clean well the brush in order to make them last as much as possible.
At last, we have done an activity that consist on the following: 
- we had to think about one emotion or feeling and afterwards we had to represent it in a cardboard. 

The feeling I wanted to represent was the pleasure and I decided to do the background in black and the pleasure in many colors represented as an explosion. 

This is the result:


This last post of the blog will be used for commenting the subject we have been doing during the whole year. Firstly, I would like to com...