sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2019


In one of the seminars, at the beginning of the course, we had to draw our partner without looking at the blank paper. 

The experience was so exciting since I never did something similar before. It was very difficult because you couldn't move your pencil from the paper in order to make the face have sense. 

The partner I drew was Lin Solina and in the image of the bottom you can see his portrait drawn by me.



The first and second seminar we work on an activity that consisted on searching two words which has no sense together and after that, try to draw them filed one with the other in order to obtain one only object. In my case, I decided to work with the nature, with a very colorful bird; and in the contrary, an electronic object: a speaker. 

I found it more difficult to think about the objects to draw than drawing them. Once I get the idea of the objects I clearly knew that the speaker would be the trunk and the head of the bird. My objective was to represent that the bird was trapped inside the speaker and the cable was coiled all over the body. With this image, I wanted to reflect the influence of the human impact in the nature, destroying and modelling it without taking care of the animals or the environment that makes us be alive.

The following image shows you the draw I did:


This last post of the blog will be used for commenting the subject we have been doing during the whole year. Firstly, I would like to com...